Welcome to our Anthony Trollope tour! It will run from Monday, December 6 to Friday, December 17. Check back here to see which blogs Mr Trollope will visit each day during the tour.
Here are the blogs Mr. Trollope will be visiting each day.
(If you think there is an error below, please leave a comment or send me an email at rebecca[at]rebeccareid[dot]com. If you’d like to join the tour, also please send me an email.)
Monday, December 6 things mean a lot Framley Parsonage
Monday, December 6 Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog Miss Mackenzie or Mr. Scarborough’s Family.
Monday, December 6 2,606 Books and counting…… The West Indies and the Spanish Main
Tuesday, December 7 First impressions The Bertrams
Tuesday, December 7 Classics in Context The Claverings
Tuesday, December 7 Bibliophiliac The Prime Minister
Wednesday, December 8 Lifetime Reading Plan Rachel Ray
Wednesday, December 8 A Few of My Favourite Books Can You Forgive Her?
Thursday, December 9 Desperate Reader Doctor Thorne
Friday, December 10 A Few More Pages The Two Heroines of Plumplington
Friday, December 10 Pining for the West The Belton Estate
Saturday, December 11 Becky’s Book Reviews Lady Anna
Saturday, December 11 Musings Barchester Towers
Sunday, December 12 Stiletto Storytime “Christmas at Thompson Hall”
Sunday, December 12 Reading, Writing, Working, Playing The Warden
Sunday, December 12 Tony’s Reading List He Knew He Was Right
Monday, December 13 pages turned The Way We Live Now
Monday, December 13 She Reads Novels Barchester Towers
Tuesday, December 14 Reading Life Cousin Henry
Wednesday, December 15 Mustard Seed Book Reviews The Christmas Stories (or The Warden)
Wednesday, December 15 Fleur Fisher in her world Cousin Henry
Wednesday, December 15 Books and Chocolate Barchester Towers
Thursday, December 16 Caribousmom The Warden
Thursday, December 16 A Literary Odyssey Barchester Towers
Thursday, December 16 Shelf Love He Knew He Was Right
Friday, December 17 Rebecca Reads Phineas Finn
Friday, December 17 It’s All About Books The Way We Live Now
Friday, December 17 nomadreader The Warden
#1 by LifetimeReader on December 6, 2010 - 11:02 am
I just read that today is the anniversary of Trollope’s death. Auspicious day to start our memorials! http://bnreview.barnesandnoble.com/t5/Daybook/Trumpeting-Trollope/ba-p/3787
#2 by Anastasia on December 6, 2010 - 1:09 pm
For some reason my blog link is a Google Doc link? (Sorry if you got this comment twice– I thought I had posted it before but it might be stuck somewhere in the comment void.)
#3 by Rebecca Reid on December 6, 2010 - 1:19 pm
apologies for the linking errors. It should be fixed now!
#4 by Rebecca Reid on December 6, 2010 - 1:19 pm
Yes, indeed! Thanks for the heads up, Lifetime Reader!
#5 by Mike Bevel on December 7, 2010 - 7:57 am
The link on this post goes to my 2009 reading list, rather than to my post on The Claverings. The link is below. (Someday I’ll get the Internet right. Just not today.)
#6 by Rebecca Reid on December 7, 2010 - 8:59 am
Mike Bevel, the “tour in retrospect” post will provide permalinks to specific posts; this post links to each blogger’s main page. I’ll make sure your permalink to your Claverings post is the one that is used in the Retrospect post.
#7 by Shelley on December 9, 2010 - 11:29 am
As someone who for obvious reasons supports longer stories, I am delighted to see Trollope getting his due here. Dickens is more shiny, but Trollope actually “got it” that women have internal lives beyond the realm of male wishes.
#8 by Mike Bevel on December 9, 2010 - 11:39 am
I think one of the faults Dickens has as a writer is that he was never able to stop idealizing women. He’s arrested romantically by his first love, Maria Beadnell (and boy, did THAT go horribly when they met up again in later life), and then by the death of his sister-in-law. (Oh, and p.s.: Dickens spends the day that his wife Catherine is giving birth to their first child antiquing with said sister-in-law. Because he’s the model for those “#1 Dad!” mugs.)
Trollope seems to almost entirely understand women — except for those weird pockets where he can’t seem to escape the bounds of Victorian chauvinism.