Archive for category Featured Article
The End of The Classics Circuit
Posted by admin in Classic Events, Featured Article, General Information on September 6, 2012
My second child, my daughter named “Strawberry” for the purposes of public blogging, was born more than six months ago! She’s adorable, and my son Raisin loves being a big brother. This is obviously a very belated post to say that I will not be starting up The Classics Circuit again. I will keep this blog open for your reference. If you are looking for your next reading ideas, check the “Past Tours” archive for ideas.
Over the past few years, I put a lot of time into this blog and organizing The Classics Circuit. I also had other bloggers helping me. However, I no longer have the time necessary to coordinate “blog tours” of the classic authors. Also, the blogging world changes, and I don’t see the need for it right now.
Instead, I refer you to the incredible and inspiring project called The Classics Club. This is a blog for challenging yourself in your own way, but it also provides links to other bloggers who read the classics. They also encourage you to share the classics mini-challenges you are giving yourself. I find it very encouraging, and I hope to participate more fully as I find time to do so.
Thanks for all your support in the past, and I wish you the best as you read the Classics!
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