The Winner is….

Edith Wharton will visit the Classics Circuit in January!

Out of 54 votes, 40% voted for Edith Wharton, 27% for John Steinbeck, 16% for Mark Twain, and 14% for Willa Cather.

We will only be doing one tour in January at this point. I’m hoping that even if your selected author wasn’t chosen, you may be inspired to read some of his or her work during January anyway!

Sign up will be either next week or the next. I am also hoping to post a poll so you can share your feedback on the Circuit thus far. (Note: Do not sign up on this post!)

I hope you are enjoying this first week of the Collins tour! Keep reading those classics!

  1. #1 by Laura's Reviews on November 6, 2009 - 6:48 am

    Great!! I already looked through my shelf and found a couple of Wharton books that I’ve been meaning to read that I’ll chose for the Circuit. (Although I do kind of feel like rereading one of my favorites and discussing also . . . I really look forward ot January. Edith Wharton is one of my all-time favorite authors.

  2. #2 by Karenlibrarian on November 6, 2009 - 7:59 am

    Oh joy of joys! She’s one of my favorite classic authors and I have several of her works sitting unread on my shelf. Hooray!

  3. #3 by Stephanie on November 6, 2009 - 9:51 am

    I also love Edith Wharton. I have read four of her books so far and have been meaning to pick up Ethan Frome, so this will be a good excuse to do so!

  4. #4 by Jodie on November 6, 2009 - 11:05 am

    I’ve gone off to mooch her final novel already! Hope to be able to join in.

  5. #5 by Emily on November 6, 2009 - 7:39 pm

    Rebecca, I don’t know if you’re recycling or somehow tying in old posts (Bookworms Carnival-style), but I just reviewed a collection of Wharton’s short stories. If that post is useful at all, feel free to incorporate it. And if not, that’s totally cool too. 🙂

  6. #6 by John on September 5, 2011 - 6:17 am

    I love Mark Twain.

    Who can forget the realism it brought to his world.

    It changed many a paradigms and introduced the rebel culture, if I can say so to American literature.

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