This Week in the Tour: Emile Zola

April is here, which means our celebration of Paris in the Springtime. In the coming week, Emile Zola will be visiting the following blogs.

April 5, 2010        The Blog Jar Thérèse Raquin

April 5, 2010        Heidenkind’s Hideaway Nana

April 6, 2010        The Zen Leaf Germinal

April 6, 2010        Rebecca Reads The Masterpiece

April 7, 2010        Shelf Love Thérèse Raquin

April 7, 2010        Badgerish.Net Le Rêve [The Dream]

April 8, 2010        pages turned Germinal

April 8, 2010        Bibliosue Zola and the Dreyfus Affair

April 9, 2010        Bibliolatry Thérèse Raquin

April 10, 2010     Sparks’ Notes The Ladies Paradise

April 11, 2010     Reviews by Lola Nana

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